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Cameroonian born, French raised (nationality). Very artistic.love music. I miss Paris a lot including the U.K where I lived 6 years...member of sgi-usa. buddhist b/c parents practice nichiren buddhism. to me it is the best philosophy of life!!!! go soka! president ikeda is my mentor for life!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What I did today to help the environment - Part 3: Bagasse

Has anybody heard of "Bagasse"? Today, for the first time I bought eco-friendly writing pads made of bagasse. Bagasse is the name for the plant fiber remaining after sugarcane is processed and crushed to make sugar. What a great invention??? If poor countries could make profits out if it, it would be even greater. Sugar cane is found in the Carribean, in Africa and I guess some parts of Asia. My pad is eco-friendly for my use here in the United States. However, I wonder how the workers who made these pads were treated...well I will check it out next time.
More info about bagasse now. Normally, bagasse is burned after pulping, thus creating air pollution. But this fiber can be re-used - by being made into disposable products normally made from plastic or virgin paper. We can make paper, cups, plates and much more with it. This is so cool. I remember eating sugar canes when I was little and throwing everything away. I mean, if a lot more people knew how to transform bagasse into goods, I think that this could help a lot of poor countries. However, these countries should be the ones making profits and also the ones producing these products for us all, not just North America.

Please, go to this link to see some pictures:

You will see what bagasse look like.

Now, chech this link to see a plate made of bagasse:

I hope to find out more info about the companies using bagasse in their products and see their working policies abroad. I will not be shocked to find out a lot of disturbing info....

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